This week, we're trying to start up some new workshops, hopefully to be continuing regularly the same day/time each week. We hope that you can attend all of them that sound interesting to you. Here's the lineup:
Wednesday, November 3 (tomorrow!):
Web Design with Python - King 221 @ 7:00 pm
Discuss/learn/talk about web design and working with Python/Django to create powerful, interactive web sites and applications. Bring your laptop, if you have one!
Thursday, November 4:
Sound Hacking - Wilder TBA @ 7:00 pm
Discuss/learn/talk about sound, how we like it, how we hate it, and how we would like to destroy it.
Same deal... we're not sure where this will be exactly, but it should be easy to find out.
These are just some of the things that are starting up at OHack. If you have any ideas for workshops you'd like to see (especially ones that you'd like to run yourself!), reply to this email and let us know! This is a collaborative effort, after all.
In addition, the OHack room in Wilder (room 328, for those interested) is currently a mess. It's filled with all kinds of fantastic junk, including old computers, monitors, phone cables, copies of Windows 95..... yeah. It's actually quite magnificent to behold. You should behold it. If you're interested in seeing this treasure cove, then you should participate in the OHACK SPACE DEFRAGMENTATION PARTY on Saturday at 2:00!
More emails will come when more things happen. Until then, happy hacking!
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