Tuesday, November 2, 2010

OHack Events This Week!

Attention all hackers:

This week, we're trying to start up some new workshops, hopefully to be continuing regularly the same day/time each week. We hope that you can attend all of them that sound interesting to you. Here's the lineup:

Wednesday, November 3 (tomorrow!):
Web Design with Python - King 221 @ 7:00 pm
Discuss/learn/talk about web design and working with Python/Django to create powerful, interactive web sites and applications. Bring your laptop, if you have one!
Ask at the main desk or look for signs to find out the exact location.

Thursday, November 4:

Sound Hacking - Wilder TBA @ 7:00 pm
Discuss/learn/talk about sound, how we like it, how we hate it, and how we would like to destroy it.
Same deal... we're not sure where this will be exactly, but it should be easy to find out.

These are just some of the things that are starting up at OHack. If you have any ideas for workshops you'd like to see (especially ones that you'd like to run yourself!), reply to this email and let us know! This is a collaborative effort, after all.

In addition, the OHack room in Wilder (room 328, for those interested) is currently a mess. It's filled with all kinds of fantastic junk, including old computers, monitors, phone cables, copies of Windows 95..... yeah. It's actually quite magnificent to behold. You should behold it. If you're interested in seeing this treasure cove, then you should participate in the OHACK SPACE DEFRAGMENTATION PARTY on Saturday at 2:00!

More emails will come when more things happen. Until then, happy hacking!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Project Discussion - Saturday 10/9 in Wilder 211

Hello fellow hackers. We apologize for the delay - we are currently working hard on securing a space for OHack, and have been writing proposals and attending meetings all week.

In the meantime, we want to have a forum for interested people to
discuss project ideas!
We will be in Wilder 211 tomorrow afternoon from 1:30-3:00, working on our own projects and sharing ideas with anybody who wants to come.

So take your half-finished code, your glitchy rewired children's toy, your sketchpad, your weird daydreams... and bring them to Wilder tomorrow. We're hoping to start developing a schedule of workshops and a few long-term collaborative projects to focus on ASAP.

We also have a temporary space in Wilder which is full of old computer equipment left by the now-defunct Computer Recycling Co-op. It is currently too small and full of stuff to have meetings in, but we want to change that! So -
Sunday afternoon!
An abandoned computer monitorImage via Wikipedia
Cleaning party!

Want an old Mac to mess around with? If you can carry it away, it's yours!
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Excursion/Excitement, yeah?

Hey guys, check out this hackerspace in Cleveland... field trip anyone? Also look through to get ideas for workshops we could have, resources we could get, anything else cool you want to incorporate into our space!


Minutes (from General Interest meeting)

Circuits! Building instruments. Circuit bending. Microcontrollers - robot overlords? AI, learning machines. Animate, animals. Animus. Human-computer interface; wiimote hacks, mini-projects. Project on th side of mudd - installation, interactive. Hacks around campus. Productivity/efficiency/customizing your system. Tips n tricks. Home automation - “Smart House.” Bike generators - ObieGame FTW. Elaborate pranks, carried off without a hitch. Core wars; competitions. Analytical engines, but also it’s a mill. Apocalypse preparation. Abacus 065 - Environmental Abacus. Public, participatory hacks -- no more paper posters?? Learn about operating systems. www.google.com. Linux, alternative OSes, make-yer-own-distro. Distributed computing - clusters. Reed - Smart Couch? Textiles, LED clothing, sonar clothing (RAD). Why doesn’t Oberlin have more awesome shit happening??? Collaboration and multi-disciplinary, cross-pollinating communities... Max/MSP Workshop. Unified, artistic collaborative statement. Also cheap toys/gadgets. Taking the remote apart and putting it back together. Forming a library, compiling resources. Games.

Thanks to everyone who came to the meeting, and don't worry if you didn't make it! Many great ideas were shared, and the enthusiasm in the room was undeniable. We will be having another meeting and our first workshop soon - check back at this space, or get on our mailing list, for updates.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Our General Interest Meeting

will be held in Wilder 101 at 7:00pm tomorrow, Tuesday the 21st! Please spread the word, and invite any of your friends who might be interested! We will show you some cool hacks, debate the meaning of the word, and then discuss plans for the future.

A reminder e-mail will be sent to everybody on the mailing list tomorrow. If you would like to be on the mailing list, e-mail us at oberlinhacks (at) gmail (dot) com.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

"The system is able to compile as-is, and has been known to work."

Although this still feels painfully accurate sometimes, almost twenty years later, Linux remains one of the all-time greatest hacks ever perpetrated. It's pretty cool to see it in its embryonic state, preserved for digital eternity on a Usenet archive.


"This is a program for hackers by a hacker."

Saturday, September 18, 2010

General Interest Meeting - Wilder TBA

OHack will be having a general interest meeting this Tuesday, September 21st, @ 7:00pm in Wilder - room TBA.

Check back here for updates, or e-mail us and ask to be reminded about the meeting.

Questions? Ideas? E-mail: oberlinhacks at gmail dot com

Monday, August 23, 2010


OHack is a cooperative space for computer and technology related projects at Oberlin College in Oberlin, OH. We hope to encourage and provide resources for multidisciplinary projects related to software development, hardware hacking, new media, and more! We are also planning on hosting a series of informal workshops on a wide variety of computer-related concepts. Everything from installing and using Linux to learning about web design, languages like Python and Ruby, and more. OHack is inspired by collective spaces like Noisebridge in San Francisco, the Chaos Computer Club in Germany, and many more around the world.

We are currently working on a proposal and securing a dedicated space for our operation. Subscribe to keep updated on what we're up to, and we hope to have a lot more to write about in this space soon!