Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Desktop Background

Here's a big copy of the OHack logo, suitable for setting as your desktop background:

Let's see this on every computer in Oberlin! First Mudd, then... maybe the Science Center! King? Dorms have computer labs sometimes, right?


Monday, March 14, 2011

How to Write a Program

Louisa Berger and Ike McCreery are teaching an introductory workshop, How to Write a Program, tonight from 8 to 9 p.m. in the upstairs OCCS lab.  We'll be tackling the 3n+1 problem collaboratively.  It's a workshop aimed at CS150 students who would like to get a better sense for how to tackle a programming assignment.  Hopefully we will all leave with a better sense of the method behind the madness of programming.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

OHack is OPen

Monday:    4-6  (Louisa)
Tuesday:   8-10 (Luke)
Wednesday: 8-10 (Ike)
Thursday:  8-10 (Garrett)
Sunday:    8-10 (All)
The new OHack space is in the basement floor of Harkness Co-op. The door is to the right of the main door to the co-op, down some stairs behind a bike rack.

Bring laptops, projects, ideas or just your homework.